Call me woo-woo, but I believe in signs from the universe.
A couple of weeks ago, I uploaded my first YouTube video: America’s Suburbs: The WORST experiment of the 20th century
And anyone who knows me, or has read any of my previous posts, knows I have a deep-rooted love for Barcelona. Living here for the past 5 years has given me a better understanding of how our built environment affects our well-being.
Speaking from personal experience, where we live has a bigger impact on our happiness than the number in our bank account. That’s why I quit my six-figure engineering job and moved to Europe.
Now here’s where the beauty of the universe comes into play…
This morning I got a text from
that a new exhibition just opened at the Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona:WHAT ARE THE FREAKING CHANCES?!?
This is a topic I’ve been obsessing over for the past few years. I’ve decided I want to become an expert on the subject. I want to dedicate my life to studying how we can build better environments for future generations.
And now I find out there is an entire Suburbia exhibition here in Barcelona of all places?
Thank you universe.
This gives me another reason to be optimistic. It shows more and more people are paying attention to the changing tides.
I’ll publish an update once I’ve had a chance to check out the exhibition myself.
Until next time my friends.
<3 B
As an urban bike commuter (or used to be, before moving to the suburbs was more financially viable for us) I was also obsessed with understanding suburban sprawl. I had no idea other countries were talking about this too. You should check out Serenbe, it's a semi-urban community project in south Atlanta intended to utilize front porches, small yards, walkability, and the like to get back to community living. Would have loved to have seen this exhibition.
lol. Of course Russell would find this 🤣