A colleague retired with 30 years service. My loyalty drained as our divisional and country bosses declined to get up from their desks. No thanks. No good luck. No goodbye.

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Nice piece, man. Have you read Die With Zero by Bill Perkins? You'd dig it. All about taking advantage of the assets you have at any given moment (time, money, health) as they change throughout life. Live it up.

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Thanks Martin! I've heard that book mentioned on a few podcasts and saw someone reading it the other day, will add it to my reading queue

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May 5Liked by Brian Wiesner

“Parent Concerns for financial stability ” has checked into the comments. 😂.

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My approach: Keep a list of aspirations and goals across ALL realms of life. Every year, check off some of them. Try to balance your quests across the various areas of life. Regularly check in with yourself if you have been over- or underinvesting in certain areas. Works like a charm (for the most part).

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Agreed, love a good side quest!

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May 5Liked by Brian Wiesner

I lasted 2 years in corporate! Left for local government. It’s been the nicest break (slower, peaceful, less managers), but now I’m considering going back to corporate and perhaps I’ll just keep switching it up as necessary!

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I love this post!

Amazing quote by Brian Dyson, former CEO of Coca-Cola:

> “Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.

> You name them work, family, health, friends, and spirit and you're keeping all of these in the air.

> You will soon understand that ‘work’ is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.

> But the other four balls - family, health, friends and spirit - are made of glass.

> If you drop one of these, they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same.

> You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.

This part reminds me of TED Talk The psychology of your future self | Dan Gilbert https://youtu.be/XNbaR54Gpj4?si=ITOwIma9RlRgOteQ&t=104:

> My interests right now are different than my interests 10 years ago. I’m betting the same will be true 10 years from now.

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Appreciate you man, going to check out that TED talk!

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Great post. I made a similar post last month. More people are questioning the idea of a traditional retirement, and digital work gives us so many more options nowadays.

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Thanks Craig, I just read your post, I love the idea you presented of "Digital Self-Employment"

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And there are no longer any professions stable enough to last you an entire career, without multiple reinventions along the way.

Even the most untouchable professions (e.g. doctors, lawyers) won't ever have the feeling of security or settledness that others felt in the past.

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Yes! Have fun bikepacking! Planning our multi-day US one now...

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Thank you! Enjoy yours as well :)

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Love the biking photo 👌🏼

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I knew you would 👊🏼

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Damn right!

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I havent read your post but I love the title !!

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thank you for putting my thoughts into words. ive quit multiple jobs to go backpacking for months at a time with zero backup plan. the best decision ive ever made!

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